定低温清浄な海洋深層水を利用した北海道知床羅臼における衛生管理型漁港(Consistent Use of Cold Clean Deep Ocean Water (DOW) Assures Clean and Sanitary Fish Port in Rausu, Hokkaido)
- 標題
- 定低温清浄な海洋深層水を利用した北海道知床羅臼における衛生管理型漁港(Consistent Use of Cold Clean Deep Ocean Water (DOW) Assures Clean and Sanitary Fish Port in Rausu, Hokkaido)
- 作者
- 高橋正征・川端達也・山石秀樹・千綾昭彦・山内繁樹・山下和則・長野 章(Masayuki Takahashi, Tatsuya Kawabata, Hideki Yamaishi, Akihiko Chiaya, Shigeki Yamauchi, Kazunori Yamashita And Akira Nagano)
- 文件屬性
- 日本研究
- 知識分類
- 水產養殖
- 出版年
- 2014
- 刊名
- 海洋深層水研究
- 卷
- 15
- 期
- 1
- 頁
- P1-10
- 點閱數
- 2680
飲食料品のグローバル化により,安全性の確保が重要になっている. 中でも,生鮮魚介類は重要で,国の薬事・食品衛生審議会(2001)は,魚介類の漁獲後は,10セ以下の低温環境下で清浄水を利用して作業・保存する基準を発表した. 北海道知床羅臼漁港は,低温で上記の水質基準をクリアする高い清浄性の定低温海洋深層水を利用し,衛生管理型漁港となった. 羅臼漁港の沖 2.8 kmの水深350 mから,海洋深層水(水温年変動,0.3-5.1セ)を日量最大4,560 m3取水し,岸壁に設置した1,800m3の貯水槽に一時貯留して利用している. 岸壁には,15----35m間隔で54個の海洋深層水給水栓が設置されていて,漁業関係者は24時間自由に利用可能. 海洋深層水は,2006 (平18)年に一部供用が開始し,2012(平24) 年から完全供用となった. 以来,漁獲直後から,荷捌き,積み出しまでの一連の作業が,海洋深層水を利用して低温・清浄環境下で行われている.その結果,低温維持のための氷の使用量が,サケの取り扱いだけでも40%以上節減した. 海洋深層水の利用によって. 水産物の鮮度や味の良さが. 関係者や利用者から聞かれる.
Recent global trading of foods and drinks has recognized the importance of food safety. It is particularly important for handling fresh fish and shellfish, and the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council of Japan (2001) announced postharvest guidelines such as keeping and handling fresh fish and shellfish immediately under 10oC using clean water. Rausu fishing port be- came a clean and sanitary fishing port by using consistently clean deep ocean water(DOW) with low temperature, which complied with the above mentioned guideline. DOW (yearly temperature variations of 0.3-5.1oC)is pumped up at a maximum rate of 4,560 m3 per day from a depth of 350 m at 2.8 km off the port, and stored temporarily in a concrete reservoir of 1,800 m3 capacity on the pier. There are 54 DOW hydrants within 15-35 m from the pier, and any fisherman can use DOW freely 24 h. DOW supply was partly started in 2012, and full service became available later. Since then fish and shellfish have been handled at constantly low temperature and clean condition from the time of catch until shipping. As a result, the use of ice for lowering temperature for caught salmon was reduced to more than 40%. People in the fishing industry have pointed out the superior freshness and good taste of harvested fish and shellfish.
Recent global trading of foods and drinks has recognized the importance of food safety. It is particularly important for handling fresh fish and shellfish, and the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council of Japan (2001) announced postharvest guidelines such as keeping and handling fresh fish and shellfish immediately under 10oC using clean water. Rausu fishing port be- came a clean and sanitary fishing port by using consistently clean deep ocean water(DOW) with low temperature, which complied with the above mentioned guideline. DOW (yearly temperature variations of 0.3-5.1oC)is pumped up at a maximum rate of 4,560 m3 per day from a depth of 350 m at 2.8 km off the port, and stored temporarily in a concrete reservoir of 1,800 m3 capacity on the pier. There are 54 DOW hydrants within 15-35 m from the pier, and any fisherman can use DOW freely 24 h. DOW supply was partly started in 2012, and full service became available later. Since then fish and shellfish have been handled at constantly low temperature and clean condition from the time of catch until shipping. As a result, the use of ice for lowering temperature for caught salmon was reduced to more than 40%. People in the fishing industry have pointed out the superior freshness and good taste of harvested fish and shellfish.